The Sound Trap
The Trail of the Iron Dragon | A Sci-Fi Thriller (English edition)
People’s social behaviour is changing, leading to more selfishness and violence. The ancient scripts prove that the old gods were aware of this problem. Some people are currently being born with special abilities, but what is the trigger?
2027: Various groups show interest in an artifact that disappeared in Tibet during World War II. Legends say it was a tool of gods who once ruled the Earth.
Conflicts along the New Silk Road have risen due to economic dependence on the Middle Kingdom. At the same time, it is difficult for the Chinese authorities to explain that Western democracies have failed while resistance is growing at home. New methods are needed to give ideological orientation. The solution could be hidden in our genes, but only the gods knew about it. Or is there a government on the verge of applying ancient know-how?
The U.S. Navy recruits Brian Wilson, a trained media and computer linguist. They send him to a German naval unit for a secret NATO project. It soon becomes clear that his assignment is about myths from ancient Asian texts.
Includes bonus material: – Glossary with explanations and illustrations, – Epilogue compares reality and fiction – with a few surprises.
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