Alex Turner and the „Hidden Reality“ Profilbild
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Alex Turner and the „Hidden Reality“

Where the boundaries between truth and illusion blur

von Klaus Hartmann / 12. August 2024
Format: Taschenbuch
Umfang: 368
Teil einer Serie: Alex Turner – Teil 4
Altersempfehlung: ab 16 Jahre


„Alex Turner und die Verborgene Realität“ bietet eine packende Mischung aus Spannung, Intrigen und düsterer Atmosphäre, die den Leser von der ersten Seite an fesselt. Das Buch entführt in eine Welt, in der die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Virtualität verschwimmen, und stellt faszinierende Fragen üb

Klaus Hartmann Cover
Klaus Hartmann
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In „Alex Turner and the Hidden Reality,“ protagonist Alex Turner, a seasoned investigator and cybercrime expert, finds himself caught in a dark vortex of power, manipulation, and illusion. When his girlfriend Jessie disappears without a trace, Alex stumbles upon a virtual world called Aetheris, controlled by a mysterious organization. The apparent reality of this digital world is so deceptively real that Alex and his team soon begin to doubt the limits of their perception. As they try to save Jessie and reveal the true face of the cartel behind Aetheris, they are confronted with unfathomable dangers. The game between truth and illusion becomes more and more dangerous, and Alex must use all his skills to bring the shocking truth to light—a truth that calls into question not only Jessie’s fate, but the entire fabric of reality.

